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 News Archive 2014

The director of the National Counterterrorism Center has resigned
by Nathan'ette Burdine: July 13, 2014

Matthew Olsen resigned from his position as the director of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC).

The NCTC is one of three agencies that come under the National Intelligence Agency.

James Clapper, director of the National Intelligence Agency, praised Olsen’s leadership of the NCTC. Clapper said that Olsen had worked “tirelessly” and was “successful” in “strengthening” the relationship between NCTC and other agencies in the Intelligence Community.

President Obama echoed Clapper’s statements about Olsen and the work he’s done during his tenure as the director of the NCTC.

The president said that Olsen’s efforts have been “critical to our success in disrupting terrorist cells” and preventing further attacks on American soil.

Olsen is a Harvard trained lawyer. Before joining the NCTC, Olsen worked as the General Counsel for the National Security Agency (NSA) and as the Special Counsel to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) director.

Olsen has also held the positions of special counsel to the U.S. Attorney General, and the executive director of the Guantanamo Bay Review Task Force.

He was sworn in as the director of the NCTC on August 16, 2011. President Obama has not announced who he will nominate to replace Olsen as the director of the NCTC.

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